Twenty years of the International Meeting of Conservators-Restorers (2001–2020)


The idea for an expert meeting emerged in the late 1990s among the members of the College of the Section of Museum Conservators-Restorers. The first, one-day, expert meeting with poster presentations was organised in 2001 by the College of the Section of Museum Conservators-Restorers, the Slovenian Society for Conservation-Restoration, and the Conservation-Restoration Department of the National Museum of Slovenia, headed by Zoran Milić. After ten years, in 2010 the expert meeting moved from the National Museum of Slovenia to the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum, where it was assumed by the Conservation-Restoration Department headed by Ana Motnikar. Since 2015, the event has been organised by the Conservation-Restoration Department of the National Gallery of Slovenia, headed by Martina Vuga. From the very beginning, each meeting included a publication, which was initially (2001–2005) entitled Strokovna predstavitev slovenskih konservatorskih in restavratorskih delavnic (Expert presentation of Slovenian conservation-restoration workshops). In 2006, it was renamed Konservator-restavrator, Povzetki strokovnega srečanja (Conservator-Restorer, Summaries of the Expert Meeting) (2006–2015), and in 2016 it was changed into Konservator-restavrator, Povzetki mednarodnega strokovnega srečanja (Conservator-Restorer, Summaries of the International Expert Meeting) (2016–).

Nataša Nemeček, National Museum of Slovenia

Irena Porekar Kacafura, Maribor Regional Museum